BIO 2017
Small food producers as agents of change for sustainable development - Article on

The impact that small food producers and family farmers can make as "change agents for sustainable agriculture and food systems" was the subject of a Biovision and Millennium Institute co-hosted side event during the UN High Level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable Development on Tuesday 1 July in New York.

Organized together with the governments of the Philippines and Brazil, the Rome-based Agencies FAO, IFAD and WFP, and civil society organizations Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) and World Animal Protection, the side event explored how empowering family farmers and small food producers pastoralists can have a catalytic effect on achieving sustainable development. "A shift to sustainable agriculture and food systems will benefit his country, in particular the large population of small-scale producers that are involved in rice production, the main staple food for Liberians”, explained Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs of Liberia, H.E. Sylvester Grigsby. He continued to explain that “a stable production of rice will help to avoid disturbances, in particular when food prices rise due to a shortage in supply."

I piccolo produttori di cibo come fonte di cambiamento per uno sviluppo sostenibile – Articolo su

L’impatto che i piccoli produttori di cibo e le aziende agricole familiari possono avere come “fonte di cambiamento per un’agricoltura sostenibile e sistemi alimentari sostenibili” – ecco l’argomento di un evento collaterale durante un Forum Politico ad Alto Livello delle Nazioni Unite sullo Sviluppo Sostenibile, martedì 1° luglio a New York, organizzato da Biovision e Millennium Institute.

Organizzato assieme ai governi delle Filippine e del Brasile, gli organismi FAO, IFAD e WFP con base a Roma, e le organizzazioni Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies (IASS) e World Animal Protection, durante questo evento collaterale hanno esaminato come il sostenere aziende agricole familiari e piccoli produttori può avere un effetto catalitico nell’ottenere uno sviluppo sostenibile.

"...una produzione stabile aiuterà ad evitare delle  crisi, specie quando i prezzi alimentari aumentano in seguito a scarse forniture.”

BIO2016 / Indice