BIO 2017


Ahmed, S.A., Diffenbaugh, N.S., Hertel, T.W., 2009. Climate volatility deepens poverty vulnerability in developing countries. Environmental Research Letters 4, 034004.

Askegaard, M., Olesen, J.E., Rasmussen, I.A. & Kristensen, K. (2011). Nitrate leaching from organic arable crop rotations is mostly determined by autumn field management. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 142, 149-160.

Badgley, C., Moghtader, J., Quintero, E., Zakem, E., Chappell, M.J., Avilés-Vàzquez, K., Samulon, A., Perfecto, I., 2007. Organic agriculture and the global food supply. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 22, 18. 6

Chirinda, N., Olesen, J.E., Porter, J.R., Schjønning, P., 2010a. Soil properties, crop production and greenhouse gas emissions from organic and inorganic fertilizer-based arable cropping systems. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 139, 584-594.

Chirinda, N., Carter, M.S., Albert, K.R., Ambus, P., Olesen, J.E., Porter, J.R. & Petersen, S.O. (2010b). Emissions of nitrous oxide from arable organic and conventional cropping systems on two soil types. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 136, 199-208.

Cormack, W., Metcalfe, P., 2000. Energy Use in Organic Farming Systems. Defra Final Project Report. Defra.

El-Hage Scialabba, N., Hattam, C., 2002. Organic Agriculture, Environment and Food Security. Rome: FAO. [online]. Accessed 27/07/11.

El-Hage Scialabba, N., Müller-Lindenlauf, M., 2010. Organic agriculture and climate change. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems 25, 11.

Eyhorn, F., 2007. Organic Farming for Sustainable Livelihoods in Developing Countries: The Case of Cotton in India. Inauguraldissertation der Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät der Universität Bern. Zürich: VDF Hochschulverlag AG.

Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations FAO, R., 2007. Report on the International Conference on Organic Agriculture and Food Security, Rome 3-5 May 2007. Rome: FAO.

Godfray, H., Beddington, J., Crute, I., Haddad, L., Lawrence, D., Muir, J., Pretty, J., Robinson, S., Thomas, S., Toulmin, C., 2010. Food Security: The Challenge of Feeding 9 Billion People. Science 327, 6.

Halberg, N., Steen Kristensen, E., Sillebak Kristensen, I., 1995. Nitrogen Turnover on Organic and Conventional Mixed Farms. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 8, 22.

Herrero, M., Gerber, P., Vellinga, T., Garnett, T., Leip, A., Opio, C., Westhoek, H.J., Thorton, P.K., Olesen, J., Hutchings, N., Montgomery, H., Soussana, J.F., Steinfeld, H. & McAllister, T.A. (2011). Livestock and greenhouse gas emissions: The importance of getting the numbers right. Animal Feed Science and Technology 166-167, 779-782.

Khan, S., Mulvaney, R., Ellsworth, T. and Boast, C., 2007. The Myth of Nitrogen Fertilization for Soil Carbon Sequestration. Journal of Environmental Quality 36: 1821–1832

Kotschi, J., Müller-Sämann, K., 2004. The Role of Organic Agriculture in Mitigating Climate Change – a Scoping Study. Bonn, Germany: IFOAM.

Ladha, J., Reddy, C. K., Padre, A. and van Kessel, C., 2011. Role of Nitrogen Fertilization in Sustaining Organic Matter in Cultivated Soils. Journal of Environmental Quality 40: 1756-1766

Lampkin, N. 2007. Organic Farming’s Contribution to Climate Change and Agricultural Sustainability. Welsh Organic Producer Conference, 18th October 2007.

Leifeld, J., Fuhrer, J., 2010. Organic Farming and Soil Carbon Sequestration: What Do We Really Know About the Benefits? AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment 39, 14.

Lynch, D., MacRae, R., Martin, R., 2011. The Carbon and Global Warming Potential Impacts of Organic Farming: Does It Have a Significant Role in an Energy Constrained World? Sustainability 40.

MacMillon, T., Middleton, J., 2010. Livestock Consumption and Climate Change: Progress and Priorities. Food Ethics Council Report. [online]. Accessed 01/06/11.

Mäder, P., Fließbach A, Dubois D, Gunst L, Fried P, Niggli, U., 2002. Soil Fertility and Biodiversity in Organic Farming. Science 296, 4.

Mäder, P., Fließbach, A., D, D., L, G., Jossi, W., Widmer, F., Oberson, A., Frossard, E., Oehl, F., Wiemken, A., Gattinger, A., Niggli, U., 2006. The DOK experiment (Switzerland). In: Raupp, J., Pekrun, C., Oltmanns, M., Köpke, U. (Eds.), ISOFAR Scientific Series. University of Bonn, Germany.

Moller, K., Stinner, W., 2009. Effects of different manuring systems with and without biogas digestion on soil mineral nitrogen content and on gaseous nitrogen losses (ammonia, nitrous oxides). European Journal of Agronomy. 30, 1-16.

Muller, A., 2009. Benefits of Organic Agriculture as a Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy in Developing Countries. Environment for Development: Discussion Paper Series. [online]. Accessed 01/06/11.

Muller, A., Aubert, C., forthcoming. The potential of organic agriculture to mitigate the impact of agriculture on global warming - a review. In: Penvern, S. (Ed.), Organic Farming, prototype for sustainable agricultures? Springer. 7

Muller, A., Jawtusch, J. and Gattinger, A., 2011, Mitigating Greenhouse Gases in Agriculture - A challenge and opportunity for agricultural policies, Report commissioned by Brot für die Welt“ (Germany), „Brot für alle“ (Switzerland), DanChurchAid (Denmark) and Church of Sweden. With contributions from Friedhelm Gölthenboth (section 9.2) and Joergen Olesen (9.3)

Muller, A., Osman-Elasha, B. and Andreasen, L., forthcoming, The potential of organic agriculture for contributing to climate change adaptation, in: Halberg, N. and Muller (Eds), forthcoming, Organic Agriculture for Rural Development, Earthscan Publishers

Mulvaney, R., Khan, S. and Ellsworth, T., 2009. Synthetic Nitrogen Fertilizers Deplete Soil Nitrogen: A Global Dilemma for Sustainable Cereal Production. Journal of Environmental Quality 38: 2295–2314 Niggli, U., Fließbach, A., Hepperly, P., Scialabba, N., 2009. Low Greenhouse Gas Agriculture: Mitigation and Adaptation Potential of Sustainable Farming Systems. Geneva: International Trade Centre.

Niggli, U., Schmid, H., Fließbach, A., 2007. Organic Farming and Climate Change. [online]. International Trade Centre: UNCTAD and FAO and FiBL.

Olesen, J.E., Schelde, K., Weiske, A., Weisbjerg, M.R., Asman, W.A.H. & Djurhuus, J. (2006). Modelling greenhouse gas emissions from European conventional and organic dairy farms. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 112, 207-220.

Pimentel, D., 2006. Impacts of Organic Farming on the Efficiency of Energy Use in Agriculture. An Organic Center State of Science Review. [online]. Accessed 01/06/11.

Pimentel, D., Hepperly, P., Hanson, J., Douds, D., Seidel, R., 2005. Environment, Energy, and Economic Comparisons of Organic and Conventional Farming Systems. Bioscience 55 9.

Pretty, J.N., Noble, A.D., Bossio, D., Dixon, J., Hine, R.E., Penning de Vries, F.W.T., Morison, J.I.L., 2006. ResourceConserving Agriculture Increases Yields in Developing Countries. Environmental Science & Technology 40.

Reganold, J., Elliott, L., Unger, Y., 1987. Long-term effects of organic and conventional farming on soil erosion. Nature 330, 3.

Rochette, P., Janzen, H.H., 2005. Towards a revised coefficient for estimating N2O emissions from legumes. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 73, 171-179.

Schader, C., Stolze, M. and Gattinger, A. (2011, in Press), 'Environmental performance of organic agriculture', in Boye, J. and Arcand, Y. (eds.), Green Technologies in Food Production and Processing, New York, Springer.

Schader, C. (2009), 'Cost-effectiveness of organic farming for achieving environmental policy targets in Switzerland', Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences, Ph.D. thesis, Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Wales. Research Institute of Organic Farming (FiBL), Frick, Switzerland.

Shibata, M., Terada, F., 2010. Factors affecting methane production and mitigation in ruminants. Animal Science Journal 82, 8.

Siegrist, S., Schaub, D., PFiffner, L. and Mäder, P., 1998, Does organic agriculture reduce soil erodibility? The results of a long-term field study on loess in Switzerland, Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 69: 253-264

Smith, J., Wolfe, M., Woodward, L., Pearce, B., Lampkin, N., 2011. Organic Farming and Biodiversity: A review of the literature. Organic Center Wales, Aberystwyth: Wales.

Smith, P. & Olesen, J.E. (2010). Synergies between mitigation of, and adaptation to, climate change in agriculture. Journal of Agricultural Science 148, 543-552.

Smith, P., Martino, D., Cai, Z., Gwary, D., Janzen, H., Kumar, P., McCarl, B., Ogle, S., O’Mara, F., Rice, C., Scholes, B., Sirotenko, O., 2007. Agriculture. Climate Change 2007: Mitigation. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge University Press.

Smith, P., Martino, D., Cai, Z., Gwary, D., Janzen, H.H., Kumar, P., McCarl, B., Ogle, S., O'Mara, F., Rice, C., Scholes, R.J., Sirotenko, O., Howden, M., McAllister, T., Pan, G., Romanenkov, V., Schneider, U., Towprayoon, S., Wattenbach, M., Smith, J.U., 2008. Greenhouse gas mitigation in agriculture. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society.

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UNEP-UNCTAD, 2008. Organic Agriculture and Food Security in Africa. New York and Geneva: United Nations.

Zollitsch, W., Kristensen, T., Krutzinna, C., MacNaeihde, F., Younie, D., 2004. Feeding for Health and Welfare: the Challenge of Formulating Well-balanced Rations in Organic Livestock Production. In: Vaarst, M., Roderick, S., Lund, V., Lockeretz, W. (Eds.), Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture. CAB International, pp. 329-356.

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